Wednesday 9 April 2014

Post :#2: Homelessness... :( :A result of Marginalization.

Vagrancy in the Capital

Independence Square or The Brain Lara Promenade is the "Hometown" of the Street dwellers, more commonly known as Vagrants, of Port of Spain. Some may argue that vagrants aren't really "homeless" as they practically "live" on the promenade while others may argue that they have ‘rights’ and the removal would be interfering with their ‘freedom.’ These photos were taken on the promenade, a place where vagrants are found at any time of the day. They live there!

They EAT!


and RELAX on the Promenade!

What is the real problem of Vagrants? 

There is no doubt, that when someone portrays a vagrant, the portrait  that comes to mind includes a person who lives on and off the street, who delves into garbage bins to salvage food and other material, who looks filthy, who behaves in an undesirable manner, and who is often promiscuous and sometimes even violent. The Mayor of Port of Spain also stated that they "crap" anywhere and everywhere they feel to. they attack people on the streets by cursing, ranting and also by physically attacking the pedestrians. They hardly ever wear clothes and expose themselves to men, women and children on the streets. My sister, who travels to school in Port of Spain 5 days for the week is always attacked (spat on, tapped on and flashed) on a daily basis. She complains that although she gives them her water, food and money, they still do these things to her. Who knows, they probably just have a secret crush on her. :-) <3?

Vagrant in Port of Spain dancing to Square One & Alison Hinds "Togetherness"

Official Song- 

They could be very entertaining too....
Can you wine for an hour and fifteen minutes straight?!?!?
He can!

There are many factors which are believe to have increase the prevalence of vagrants in Port of Spain.

These factors ranged from the increase in poverty, the increase in the level of inflation within the country, social instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values, helplessness and the lack of the State to provide adequate support. Factors such as the lack of adequate housing, widespread retrenchment and the break-up of the extended family are believed to be contributing to the increase in homeless people. Other reasons offered for the increase in homelessness include personal choice. Most homeless people are homeless because they simple choose that lifestyle. Most homeless just don't want to work. Alcoholism or drug use also contribute to homelessness as they are free to consume and use drugs as they please. Some vagrants believe they are victims of bad luck. According to Hall and Barrett (2012, 247), disabled bodies are physically excluded from some urban spaces and also the social pressures that make disabled bodies feel ‘out of place’ in some locations, for example, those of leisure, consumption and even education.

Street Dweller in front Business Place on the corner of Frederick Street, another popular location, and Independence Square, POS.

These factors can be related to those mentioned by Rivlin and Moore in the 2001, Journal article, Home-Making:Supports and Barriers to the Process of Home. "The process of home-making changes over a lifetime. For many, including newly resettled homeless people, the home-making process is difficult, challenging, and sometimes unsuccessful." This paper draws on research concerning the experiences of homeless individuals and families in New York and studies of single homeless adults in London and Dublin. It argues that there are supports and barriers to the home process, which include social, physical, environmental, financial, and practical factors. Central conclusions are that home does not arrive with a roof
over a person’s head, but rather that home-making is a complex social psychological process. Developing supports to home-making may offer tangible ways to enable this process to flourish.

The following are some links to local newspaper articles of vagrancy in Port of Spain,148645.html

New plan to address Port of Spain homeless

What would really work! (Hope you guys could see this)
The Comments are also very Interesting



Bissessar, Ann Marie. 2010. "The challenges of vagrancy...:Steering clear of Port-of-Spain." Accessed April
           9, 2014.

Hall, Tim, and Heather Barrett. 2012. Urban Geography 4th edition. London and New York: Routledge.

Newsday. 2011. "Deal with violent vagrants." Accessed April 9,2014.

Rivlin, Leanne G. and Jeanne Moore. 2001. "Home-Making: Supports and Barriers to the Process of
           Home." Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, 10(4) 323:336.

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