Friday 11 April 2014

Post :#9: Poverty


Powerful and True Lyrics

By Shadow

Poverty is hell and the angels are in Paradise
Driving in their limousine where everything is nice and clean
A poor man living in a teeny-weeny hut
The children hungry, nothing in the pot
He gone by the neighbour to beg for some rice
The neighbour under pressure, "Boy, things ent nice."
He gone in the big shot area to beg
A police put a bullet in his peeny-weeny leg
He gone in the courts and he lost the case
The prosecutor say he have a bandit face.

This Photo was taken In Belmont, the first suburban settlement fringing off the city. These people were the ex- salves who moved up the hills upon emancipation. Urban poverty occurs as a result of all of the issues highlighted earlier in this blog. These include marginalization and industrialization as discussed earlier.

The World Bank's "Voices of the Poor," based on research with over 20,000 poor people in 23 countries, identifies a range of factors which poor people identify as part of poverty. These include:

Abuse by those in power
Dis-empowering institutions
Excluded locations
Gender relationships
Lack of security
Limited capabilities
Physical limitations
Precarious livelihoods
Problems in social relationships
Weak community organizations

Ending poverty: A realistic goal?

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