Friday 11 April 2014

Last Lap! Thoughts, Reflection and Conclusions.

Well this is the end of my blog as far as the coursework is concerned; it’s my 11th blog post which shares my thoughts and reflections which discusses the relationship of my core theme to some of my colleagues’ blogs. My photo blog ‘Behind the City Lights’ was intended to showcase the different types of issues faced by the citizens of Trinidad, especially those wo cummute to and from Port of Spain on a Daily basis. My theme encompassed these main topics of the urban:

Post :#10: Trouble for Transport
Post :#9: Poverty
Post :#8: Slumdog Nillionaire
Post :#7:Lost of culture through Globalization
Post :#6: Crime
Post :#5: Pollution
Post :#4: Street Vending
Post :#3: Unused Public Spaces in the heart of Port Of Spain...
Post :#2: Homelessness... :( :A result of Marginalization..
Post :#1: Traffic Congestion and
Why "Behind the City Lights"? in that order.

I must admit to this being possibly the most creative and inspiring Urban Geography (GEOG 2016) assignment. It has truly helped in my understanding of the urban, not only through the research done on my topic but also from all of my classmates’ captivating and insightful blogs which encompassed every and anything to do with the urban. Everyone has a different perception of the city due to its vast diversity and dynamics. It was most fascinating to see the wide variety of themes my peers had as well as the differences and similarities to my blog. My reflection is based on a few of my colleagues’ blogs which were related to mines, in some cases expressing differing or similar perceptions of urban issues faced by the urban population. A lot of my classmates's blog were concerned individually with the issues of the city. 

Anamika's blog on The Congested Urban Life-, stood out to me as it was one of the issues I enjoyed blogging about. I think it had a lot relating to my post on Traffic congestion as well as Street Vending, which is in fact a major problem associated with the City of Port of Spain. Her entire blog basically expanded on my first and forth post. Clea's blog based on Urban Pollution  -, also targeted on the the issues discussed within my blog. Pollution is an issue that leads to several other problems such as the spread of diseases as well as flooding in the wet season and the general decomposition of the urban economy, which leads me to Stephanie's blog - on  The Urban Economy in Trinidad, based on different aspects of the urban economy which could be heading in a downward spiral if the issues of the City aren't addressed as soon as possible.

I would like to sincerely thank all the people who assisted me with actually taking the photographs, visited, critiqued and commented on my blog. I really hope that you all enjoyed my blog and become more exposed and aware of the issues faced behind the lights of the Capital City of Trinidad and Tobago. Thanks for the opportunity Dr. K and thank you all for reading! :)

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